MEITS funding call
Colleagues in French Studies are encouraged to apply for research funding relating to the MEITS project.
MEITS is an exciting multidisciplinary project funded by the AHRC under its Open World Research Initiative (OWRI). It includes six research strands which explore multilingualism from a range of perspectives (S1. Arts of identity: literature, cinema, culture and citizenship in a globalizing Europe; S2. Standard languages, norms and variation: comparative perspectives in multilingual contexts; S3. Sociolinguistic perspectives on multilingualism: identity, diversity and social cohesion; S4. The influence of multilingual identity on foreign language learning; S5. Language learning across the lifespan: the role of age, language-specific factors and learning experience on language acquisition; S6. Multilingualism and cognition: implications for motivation, health and well-being). The project has a number of key non-HEI partners and there is an important policy and public engagement dimension to the work. Full details of the project, of its aims and activities, can be found at
This is the first of two calls for funding to encourage other researchers and partners to work on the themes of the MEITS project. We particularly welcome applications from Early Career Researchers (as defined on p. 53 of the AHRC funding guide: and from institutions which are not involved in any of the four OWRI projects. In addition, projects which come from scholars working in literature, cultural studies and visual culture, which explore the MEITS themes in relation to these areas, will be given priority. We are also looking for proposals which will be able to contribute expertise and material for our proposed pop-up museum of languages.
Grants are available to support primary research, and there should be clear outputs and outcomes from this work. Applications will not be considered for less than £500. The maximum grant is £10,000 over two years, but we expect most of the grants to be in the region of £2000-£5000. Applications for collaborative or individual research projects are equally welcome under this scheme. Priority may be given to applications where there is some matching funding available from the researchers’ home institution, but this is not essential.
Funds are available to: support the direct costs of research; and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or conferences, etc. Applicants may seek support for any combination of eligible activity and cost up to the overall limit of £10,000.
Level of grant: Awards up to £10,000
Deadline for submission of applications: 30 September 2017
Results expected: 30 November 2017
Earliest Start Date for Research: 01 January 2018
Grants are tenable for between 1 and 24 months.
All applications should demonstrate that the funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion. Payment of the grant will be made in two tranches, the second, mid-term payment being subject to a review of satisfactory progress.
The following are not eligible for funding: attendance at conferences organised by a third party or international organisation; funding of replacement teaching or administrative costs; funding of the PI’s time.
Applicants are required to nominate two referees and ensure that the supporting statement from their chosen referees is submitted to by the Deadline for submission of applications.
Please note this deadline is final and we will not be able to receive any references received after this date. Your referees must be drawn from outside of your own employing institution and from outside the employing institution of any co-applicants.
The competition will be run, and administered by, the MEITS Management Group. Successful applications will conclude, upon award, an agreement in the terms set forth in Appendix A (here set out in its Cambridge form, but applicable to the partner institutions) to this call for applications, which correspond to terms within the most usual research-related collaboration agreement between academic institutions. We regret that we are unable to provide feedback on any unsuccessful applications. For informal enquiries about this scheme, please contact